The company Expresso Setelagoano has garages in key points of Brazil such as: Sete Lagoas, Belo Horizonte, Muriaé, Paraopeba and Santana do Pirapama. There are several ticket offices strategically located in different parts of the state, for the convenience of customers.
Expresso Setelagoano has more than 300 employees; 12,321,376km trafficked annually; and 3,357,504 passengers transported annually. The company is part of the GA group.
The GA Brasil group was formed with the union of urban and terrestrial passenger transport companies, and is currently composed of more than 10 companies focused on the transport of passengers, cargos, concessionaires and express parcels. Including, still, different tourism services, and executive air transportation.
In this same section you can buy Expresso Setelagoano bus tickets. Simply enter the origin / destination city, the correct date and press search, it's very simple. Bus tickets from Brazilian companies, cheap and with online purchase available.